This bouquet is as classic as they come. In it, you'll find a lavender and red color palette made up of roses, alstroemeria and carnations. While this arrangement is a wonderful pick for sharing your love or delighting for a birthday, we think it's perfect for every occasion!
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You can never go wrong with a bouquet of hand delivered long stem red roses from a local florist. Let our network of expert florists design this timeless red bouquet to make a statement for your special someone. Red flowers are an elegant, iconic and romantic gift for anyone close to your heart. Each rose is handcrafted and hand delivered…
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Share a smile with your loved ones through a bouquet filled with stunning beauty and heartfelt joy. Comprised of vivid red roses, purple double lisianthus, pink lilies and red spray roses within a clear glass vase, vibrant color bursts from every bloom. Make their day brighter with a gift that is Truly Stunning™!
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Handcrafted and inspired by the gorgeous hues of the season, the You're Precious™ Bouquet is full of sweet sentiment for your favorite person. Hot pink roses, red carnations, pink alstroemeria, and pale pink carnations come together in a clear glass vase to make any room feel beautiful and light. From special birthdays to simply just because, this arrangement is a…
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The Sweet Surprises® Bouquet was created to spread love and caring kindness wherever it might be sent! Hot pink bi-colored roses and hot pink and pale pink mini carnations pop with their blushing hues, arranged amongst the clean white petals of traditional daisies and lush greens. Presented in a clear glass vase, this gorgeous fresh flower arrangement brings a fresh…
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Blooming with a vibrant light that can't be denied, this brilliant fall flower bouquet is ready to lift any mood and raise any spirit throughout the autumn months ahead. Swirling orange roses, orange spray roses, and star-shaped peach Asiatic Lilies are surrounded with the eye-catching textures of yellow solidago, bittersweet stems, aralia leaves and lush greens with brilliant yellow gourd…
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Frilly and light, this wedding bouquet has a fresh-from-the-garden styling that is set to create a beautiful centerpiece or accent piece for your wedding celebration. White astilbe stems are wonderfully white and boast a simple style when arranged in clear glass cylinder shaped vase. A sophisticated and chic way to express your wedding style throughout the celebration and ceremony! Bouquet…
The FTD® White Chapel™ Bouquet is a stunning way to make an entrance on your wedding day. Gorgeous open cut white calla lilies and white mini calla lilies take centerstage accented with variegated ivy and a sugar pearl circle bouquet buckle. With the stems wrapped in a an ivory satin ribbon to finish the look, this bouquet is both dramatic…
Wonderfully white in reflection of this most incredible day in the life of you and your special someone, this gorgeous bouquet is set to create the perfect wedding centerpiece that will captivate your guests with it's abundance of blooms. Gorgeous hydrangea flaunt their clouds of tiny white blooms amongst lush green foliage arranged beautifully in a low and wide cylinder…
Simple and elegant, this wedding bouquet is set to create an incredible centerpiece for your wedding celebration. A tall 20-inch clear glass cylinder vase is filled almost to the brim with water while a hand-tied hydrangea bouquet is casually placed to sit askew at the top, flaunting clouds of tiny white blooms to create a gorgeous look. Also a great…
Stylish, sophisticated, and absolutely captivating, this bouquet is ready to make your wedding day dreams come true. Stunning white phalaenopsis orchid stems blossom with multiple blooms from each stem perfectly placed in a tall clear glass cylinder shaped vase to create a stunning centerpiece that will captivate your guests at your wedding celebration. An elegant choice for any bride! Bouquet…
The FTD® White Wonders™ Bouquet is an exquisite display of wedding elegance. An incredible array of white blooms, including, Dendrobium Orchids, roses, Asiatic Lilies, freesia, spray roses, and mini hydrangea are offset by beautiful lush greens and arranged in a cascade fashion to create a memorable bouquet that will complete your bridal look with its sweet sophistication. Approx. 24”H x…